Monday, August 27, 2012

Touring Belgium

Town Hall.
Of course, I had to see some sights while in Europe. It was a lot of fun walking around the historic city center in Leuven. Their city hall is beautiful, with detailed sculptures all the way up the walls.

I also made it to Brussels for a long weekend before flying home. I took a tour of the city by bike and stopped in the park for some freshly cooked escargot. I might not add it to my regular menu, but I couldn't pass up giving it a try.

Working in an international environment was an experience that I believe will be helpful as my career develops. Seeing how people work in different labs, usually with varying goals and environments, was interesting.

Bike tour.
It was encouraging to have the group coalesce around innovative ideas. Hopefully, we will soon start a project looking at why some cancer cells migrate away from a primary tumor while others are more or less stationary. Contributing to our understanding about how metastasis occurs could help prevent cancer deaths in the future.

Blog post by Colin Paul

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