Thursday, July 13, 2017

Halfway Done - Grace Hao

This past weekend I was able to go to Milan and Rome after I finished working. They were such cool cities because the buildings (unlike most US buildings) are centuries old. I liked how they really appreciate their culture and most museums were free. Its sort of frustrating that we’re here for such a short amount of time. 

I really wish I was here for longer because I just started some headway on my project. Training took about 3 weeks, which is normal if not faster than training at a regular academic lab. I just started getting real data, but it’s still not enough time. I really appreciate having multiple supervisors especially from different backgrounds. One of my supervisors is Rodrigo, who has a background in engineering. He really helps me troubleshoot mechanical problems with the chip and other programming errors. My other supervisor is Qing, who has a background in molecular sciences, and she really helps me with problems with the master mix and the chemicals involved. I can’t believe we’re halfway done!

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